Research CE-marking biostimulant

With increasing abiotic stress (e.g. drought, soil depletion) and restrictions on pesticides, for example, there is an increasing need for natural products that strengthen the soil or plant. Due to its natural polymer structure and polysugar/amino acid composition, Kaumera can contribute to this. Previous research already shows that at low doses, Kaumera can, for example, improve maize yield (foliar spraying) (up to 9% extra yield). Kaumera can improve photosynthesis and root structure, other trials with renowned research institutes, intended to obtain CE marking, show.

CE marking as a biostimulant

A CE mark from the European Fertiliser Regulation gives certainty and confidence to customers to work with Kaumera. The requirements for CE marking as a biostimulant are high. The product is only authorised if it can be stated with high probability that Kaumera has a significant effect at a high confidence interval, also in relation to control groups.

Scientific research

We therefore commission scientific and practical research to validate Kaumera's effect on various crop groups. This research is done under strict NEN standards arising from regulations on biostimulants. It involves both trials in pots via high-resolution image scanning, and field trials. At various research institutes and trial greenhouses and fields in the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy, scientific evidence based on previous research is being developed on a number of arable and horticultural crops where Kaumera is being tested as a soil or foliar application. This is looking at the effect of Kaumera on, for example, root growth, photosynthesis and crop yield, under various abiotic stress factors. They look closely at the effect compared to control groups, statistical reliability and the working principle behind Kaumera.

CE-marking biostimulant

First phase exploratory research completed Q1 2025
Second phase research biostimulant (repeat trials) Q3 2025
Field trials/practical trials Q2 2024 Q4 2025
CE marking biostimulant Q4 2025
Market launch under CE Biostimulant Q1 2026 *


*Market introduction as soil improver Q1 2025 onwards